13 June 2019

In the Heat of May

In The Heat of May 

School declare summer holidays,

Students look forward to jolly days,

Playing with friends indoors and outdoors,

Army of kids besieging every floor,

In the relentless heat of May.

Parents prepare for extra duties,

Driving to and fro their lively babies,

Coaching classes for all ages,

With varied timing ranges,

All in the glaring heat of May.

Family and friends get together,

Some seems to stay forever,

Pleasing company for a couple of days,

All this happens under sun’s glazing rays,

In the scorching heat of May.

Plans are made instantly,

Sometimes shopping insanely,

Other times eating out occasionally,

Catching up with long lost mates annually,

Not bothering about the heat of May.

A dish of ice-cream every day,

If only testing new flavours pays,

Homemade lemonade and ice-tea a plenty,

Fruit salads and smoothies fill fridge to party,

Anything to keep away the heat of May.

Some take a family vacation,

Cooling off in a hill station,

For some it’s foreign tours and travels,

To soak in manmade paintings and natural marvels,

Everything possible to get away from the heat of May.

Then there are the simple few,

Who soak in only the artificial dew,

Work and family take priority,

Improving plain hobby to a business majority,

Not wasting even a bit of the heat of May.

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