08 March 2018




You are a strength of steel,
You make wounds heal,
You scare away bad dreams,
You coax in smiles and glee,
You are a women.

You are a day planner,
You are a advice seeker,
You swallow troubles,
You repair even bubbles,
You are a women.

You sleep last,
You work fast,
You prepare feast,
You preserve special treats,
You are a women.

You readily take orders,
You don’t let love daunder,
You set the trend,
You make amends,
You are a women.

You smile at anger till jaws hurt,
You absorb blows till body bloats,
You attack only as a last route,
You fiercely protect loved ones,
You are a women.

Celebrate me every day,
With warm sun’s morning ray,
Cherish the life within,
So chin up and take a spin,
For I am a women.


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