29 October 2020

Rain Fulfils a Desire

 Rain Fulfils a Desire


Incessant rain pelts water droplets,

On every blade of grass, on each flowerlet,

Bogged by the weight,

The leaves droop to a dark abyss,

Yet so many spring back to bliss,

Swirled by sudden water channel,

Pulled by gallons of deep funnel,

Blades of grass weep,

But that too adds to the wet seep,

Stout tree trunks began to cry,

Streaks of water tracks that refuse to dry,

Rattled by the sight,

The dainty flowers lost the fight,

Retaining all the water that pours,

The petals pull down the flowers,

          - by ones, twos and fours.

Such was the rain that fulfilled a desire,

The leaves, flower, tree and grass’s prayer,

On one hot summer day,

A particular afternoon in May.

1 comment:

  1. In the hot summer day the rain drops makes your pleasant & wet. After the rain, the day brings rainbow of happiness and makes you forget the hot summer days.


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