22 October 2017

Celebrations !!!

What is celebrations !!!

A festival, a birthday, an anniversary, kids passing an important examination in flying colours !!!

But each have a different method, pattern, type of celebration. Its basically an expression of happiness...so each age group celebrates, expresses in a different way.
The idea is to mingle, join in the expression of happiness, fulfillment.

A condo has a dandiya night, a diwali bash, everyone dresses in their sunday or festive best and join in. There is a birthday party kids belonging  to that age group join in a nd have fun. As you grow older the meaning of fun differs, changes.
This is not in dispute, my thought is  when a generation sticks  to a type or method of celebration and expect everyone to follow suit in name of tradition.
 Should there be no intermediate path.Take bursting crackers for example, or eating goodies.
 As tradition goes Diwali means new dress, eating goodies and bursting a lot of crackers. but with new century problems like asthama, obesity and other lifestyle disorders, should we not tone down out tradition methods and find better, cleaner ways to celebrate.
Maybe we could make and eat fewer goodies, healthier variations.
Light up the homes with diyas and electric lights.
Go out the way to make someone less privileged feel the magic of Diwali.

I saw a picture of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, lit up with Chinese Lanterns, now isn't it a marvelous way to celebrate the 'Festival of Lights'.

1 comment:

  1. So rightly said Sree let’s break our old traditional methods of bursting crackers n light up the life of lesser privileged children


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