28 November 2017

Are We Educated Enough!

Are We Educated Enough!!

In India, the engineer, doctor and the CA hold the top rank in the future paths to pursue for a child. Anything else, people have second looks, thoughts, are you not good enough for the top courses?

A child who was a science talent award winner, now is running a business in organic farming. Immediately people wonder – what happened, why not a scientist or engineer. Why are we Indians’ so narrow minded, shallow?

We criticize the west for many things, but their children are holistically ready for life when they turn 18 – 19 years old. They are taught basic survival skills of life - cooking, sewing, personal finances – everything to start living alone once you turn into a major.

You pass out of high school you are ready to face the world – in every way. Young minds having new ideas, a youthful personal grit to see the idea through, turn the idea into a business. The venture might fail but the endearing spirit lives on to try again.

The India schooling should also change to teach the kids to live lives, save money. Even if the school teaches, the parent’s raise eyebrow, wondering if its necessary. Or there is a test/ exam at the end of the course, which puts off the joy of learning for the kids. The spirit of experimenting should be encouraged.

In the present global environment it’s a necessary art & skill. Why should only a businessman’s son/daughter learn the craft to do business? A trader teaches his son the nuances of the stock market. Whereas the large majority of Indian population, the salaried class, teaches its kids to slog and work and overwork for someone else for 25-30 years. Then retire to the care of their children, waiting for the next generation to take care of them.

 WHY ???

I think every child in a school that has M.Tech and Phd teachers should teach the kids the basis of finances (personal and global). What is it to start a business, the beginning of trading, investing, saving. The children should also make a sincere effort to try and find out- what is it to do out of the ordinary.

Parents should encourage out of box thinking. It is not bad to be a passionate person with a sense of life and its limited gifts. The wealth will come when it comes, but armed with the knowledge of basics of living , the youth would know how to invest it and make a brighter future for themselves and the country.

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